b'Executive Director ReportBy Jon Meijer familiesareofutmostimportanceMarch/April 2020andcancelingtheseeventscomes as the world looks to slow down the spread of the virus. The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute continues to putIn This Issueout critical information regarding the virus that comes from the Centers ofCoronavirus-COVID-19 DiseaseControl(CDC),theWorldGuidance4HealthOrganization(WHO)andothers,makingsurethatcriticalReassure CustomersDuring informationissenttoMWDLIthe Corona Virus Members.ThemostrecentPandemic6information about COVID-19 and the Access DLIs Members Only drycleaning industry can be found inSection for Great Online the magazine. Benets10Whatadierenceadaymakes!MWDLIwillworktorescheduleA New Year, A New Justafewdaysago,theMidwestfutureeventsassoonasfurtherPlan12Drycleaning&LaundryInstituteinformation becomes available from (MWDLI)waspreparingforseveralthe various agencies in the U.S. andgroup events, such the Professionalaround the world. Now is the time to WetcleaningSeminar,Pacersgamekeep our families safe and hope that and an onsite meeting of the MWDLIthe virus is controlled sooner rather AdvisoryCouncil.Obviously,thethan later.impactoftheCoronasvirus-COVID-19haschangedeverythingIf you have any questions, please do a n dt h ew a yw el i v ea n dnothesitatetocall.Wearehere communicatewithoneanother.Asworking for you. youknow,allourgroupgatherings and educational seminars have beenYourMWDLIteamcanbereached canceled.Thehealthandsafetyofat 765-969-5745 or 800-638-2627.our members, their employees, their Midwest Drycleaning & Laundry Institutewww.MWDLI.org / 765-969-5745 \x001'