b'FEATUREcontinued from page 27regular consultations with mentors suffice.beanaccountantwithoutaccountingskills,saysMillennials, on the other hand, often do not know Frankel. Yet too often we promote people withoutwhat skills they lack, says Star. As a result, they need a relevantexperienceortrainingtoimportantmore assertive level of assistance. Coaches can prompt management roles. The result is that the promotedMillennialstothinkthroughproblemsandfind individuals often flounder and create discord withinsolutions, and that will help them grow faster. their departments.Its a common scenario that can be avoided withPLAN FOR SUCCESS properpreparation.SpotpotentialleadersbytheirFinally, let us return to the story that opened this abilitytoleadwithoutthetrappingsofaformalarticle. Debora, the star salesperson, had been promoted assignment. Then make sure they get the mentoring orto a management position not because she possessed coaching they need to perform the demanding tasks ofleadership skills but as a reward for great performance. leadership. The result will be a successful hire, a happyThat led to disaster. You would not hire someone to staff, and higher profits.7 TIPS FOR NEW LEADERSSo youve been promoted to a leadership position. First, 4Handle the passed-over personcongratulations!Youhavebeenrecognizedforsome Have a conversation with any individual who was passedcommendable attributes. Even so, chances are good that you over for the position you received. Say something like this:feel a little nervous. Are you prepared for the challenges Thedecisionwasnotaboutyoubutaboutourteamahead? To help you succeed, heres some advice from the delivering results for the organization. I need you to be atmanagement experts quoted in the accompanying story: the top of your form. Then get the person on your side bysaying something like this: My job is to make you ready for1Adopt a positive mindset the next time a promotion becomes available. Here are theMake a commitment to yourself with words such as things you need to work on so you can get the promotion.these: I deserve this and I will rally to be the most effective - Randy Gorukleader I can be. I recognize that I need to continue to learnand develop my skills so I can lead and mentor an effective 5 Adopt a flexible management styleteam. - Richard Avdoian Not everyone responds well to the same managementstyle, and you will need to alter your own to meet the needs2 Dont abandon your buddiesof different people you are managing. For each person, askDo not set yourself apart from people who were once this question: What do I have to do to make this personyour peers. You can still interact socially with them but you successful? - Johanna Rothmanwill no longer be the one who tells all the jokes and closesdown the bar. You can no longer gossip about co-workers or 6Keep learningmake jokes about those in leadership positions. You need to One of greatest mistakes leaders can make is to think theyavoid acting in ways that others could poke holes in. have made it. Then they are in trouble. Instead, they need- Lois P. Frankel to continually improve themselves. They must get help frommentors or coaches, take classes and workshops and read3Make other people big books. They must always improve and be better preparedHonor the bigness in others. Understand that you as the for the challenges ahead.leader do not have all the skills and qualities other people - Randy Gorukhave.Tap their expertise and wisdom, and let them knowthey are valued for qualities beyond job requirements and 7 Get feedbackresponsibilities.Createaboardofadvisorsthatmeets Always look for feedback. Search it out. Be open to theperiodically to examine best practices and collaborates to fact that you might not be managing in the way that peopleaddress and resolve problems. need. - Johanna Rothman- Richard Avdoian28 FABRICARE'