b"DLI COIVD-19 GuidanceDLI's Coronavirus-COVID-19 Guidanceavailablewewillbesuretogetinformation out to you.TheinformationdevelopedforthisguidanceRisks to Drycleaning & Laundry Personnel was taken largely from the Centersfor DiseaseThe risk when transporting and cleaning linen from Control (CDC)website, https://www.cdc.gov/ the general public is considered very small at this coronavirus/2019-ncov.It is important to notepoint. General standard hygienic procedures that that the information is still developing as worldyouhaveoutlinedforyourplantareappropriate health ocials learn more about this strain ofsuch asvirus. We will continue to monitor the situation andadjustanyguidanceasneeded. This Wearing Face Masksinformation is also available as aprintable PDFWash your hands regularly. Coughandsneezeintheinsideofyour Covid-19 Statselbow. Use tissues. Thevirusistransmittedfrompersonto Routinecleaningofhardsurfaceswitha person by exposure to large respiratory dropsdisinfectant.(bysneezing!),andbydirectcontact.The Availability of hand sanitizers throughout the infection itself takes place in the respiratoryplant and counter area.tract. The recommendation at this point is to Driversshouldroutinelyusehandsanitizers take the same precautions as a u outbreak.and wipe down the steering wheel and other Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizerhard surfaces frequently handled.and when sneezing do not cover your mouth and nose with your hand but sneeze into theCleaning Garments from the General Public crook of your arm. There is no need to take any special precautionsTransmissionofCovid-19topersonsfromATTHISTIME.TheCDCadvisesthatthe surfaces contaminated with the virus has notdrycleaning process, which includes cleaning and beendocumented.Transmissionofpressing, is eective on most viruses.coronavirusoccursmuchmorecommonlyAsistruewithotherviruses,launderinginhot throughrespiratorydropletsthanthroughwater, 160 degrees F and with chlorine bleach is objects or materials which are likely to carrythe most eective method for sanitizing laundry. If infection,suchasclothes,utensils,andhot water and chlorine bleach are not safe for the furniture.Currentevidencesuggeststhatitems then laundering with a disinfectant product novelcoronavirusmayremainviableforis an option. The CDC states the laundering with hourstodaysonsurfacesmadefromadetergent alone is an eective method.variety of materials, according to the Centers for Disease Control. At this time testing hasCleaningLinensSuspectedofBeing onlybeendoneonhardsurfaces,asmoreContaminated with Bodily Fluids. informationregardingtextilesbecomes Midwest Drycleaning & Laundry Institutewww.MWDLI.org / 765-969-5745 \x008"