THIRD QUARTER 2018 23 said. Increasingly, the company is turning to links embedded in its various social media campaigns which give a clearer picture of any return on investment (ROI) by allowing it to precisely track Internet traffic and commerce. Its Google+, Facebook, and Twitter pages feature similar content, primarily humorous memes, links to local and trending topics such as the potential health benefits of jogging, professional stock photos promoting the company’s services, and links to blog posts containing drycleaning related content. On Youtube, Bibbentuckers has a streamlined presence that includes slick promotional videos; its Pinterest page primarily features images and tips on the preservation of wedding gowns. In addition to using BeCreative360’s social media management services, McKenney spoke highly of DLI’s Effortless Social Media program, saying that it “always has a posting of something to do with clothing care or stain removal, which is very informative, every Tuesday. The most popular recent post was about an Italian designer who made fashionable garments using plastic drycleaning hangers and bags. People [on social media] like silly things.” McKenney also speaks highly of BeCreative360’s weekly retention emails, which are sent out “according to [programmable software] triggers such as if a customer hasn’t [used the app or visited the site] in months but previously spent over $200, if it’s the customer’s birthday, things like that,” he said. Using a programmable email service allows the company to automate part of its electronic customer service efforts, thereby forming a more perfect union between social media and client relations. Bibbentuckers doesn’t use social media to press the sale too hard, preferring pictures of people in cleanly laundered clothing as well as reminders that looking one’s best is a great way to feel awesome. Furthermore, the company maintains a blog on its official website, which it uses to spread useful tips on seasonal garment care and stain removal, to highlight favorable press mentions, and to provide updates on company-specific business developments and community initiatives. “It’s not just about ‘likes’ anymore,” McKenney said. “We make it into a blog. Then, BeCreative360 uses the blog to create social media posts which direct back to our blog, which features a coupon for a discount on the cleaning of, say, smelly yoga pants.” According to McKenney, the most popular types of content deal with garment-related problems. “Why are [people] coming to you?” said McKenney. “Because they are having problems with their clothing. We have articles on how to get stains out. People also want to read about what the drycleaning symbols mean,” and so the company generates content explaining the different icons to curious consumers. Last fall, the company focused on stories about its involvement in local and national charities. This summer, however, it has switched gears. “We check Google Trends and Analytics [software that analyses Internet traffic] to see what people are searching for, if they’re trying to find out how to clean this or that, how to do laundry best, why doing laundry the right way is so important, etc.” Staying up-to-date with the latest search trends keeps marketing budgets lean. Bibbentuckers is learning to use its SPOT point of sale (POS) system to help get the message out. “In the SPOT system we have various metric points, and we use those data to connect with people on Facebook,” McKenney said. In order to avoid sending to existing customers content that’s intended for potential clients, “I boost posts by sifting through the available data in order to target new customers,” McKenney said. Another method the company uses to attract new clientele is to pay “only $100 to LinkedIn for access to their hidden landing pages for business to business (B2B) customers, which afforded us a list of property management firms from the Dallas area,” he said. “We sent these firms promotional packages intended for new drycleaning customers, which they then put into the hands of their residents.” Bibbentuckers also uses social media to interact with clients on a nearly zero-cost basis. “We have Facebook messenger and Yelp messenger turned on. As long as it comes through the built-in messenger, I don’t have to continued on page 24 COVER FOCUS